Son of Hamas: Allah is ... the biggest terrorist

Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf, Son of Hamas Leader in the West Bank...

MEMRI Transcript
Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf: I have said, and I continue to say, that my problem is not with Hamas or with the Muslims. My problem is with the God of Islam and with the Prophet of Islam...

Interviewer: Are you saying that your views on what you call "the Islam of Hamas" are what led you to collaborate with the Israelis?

Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf: Who said there is the Islam of Hamas and the Islam of Al-Qaeda?

Interviewer: That's what you are saying, more or less.

Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf: No, I am not saying that. What I am saying is that Islam is Islam, and the Koran is the Koran. The Koran suffers from a split personality, and the God of Islam suffers from a split personality. All the Muslims who follow the God of Islam interpret Islam as they like, but this does not negate the terroristic and murderous character of Islam, which incites people, through the Koran, to kill people and blow themselves up...

Interviewer: Where does the Koran call for terrorism?

Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf: Go to Surat Al-Tawba, verses 5 and 29. The problem is that Muslims do not understand their own religion. I call upon the Muslims to read their Koran and understand it, before they say that Islam is a religion of peace and compassion.

Interviewer: I asked you...

Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf: The God of Islam calls to kill any non-Muslim. The God of Islam calls to kill me today...

Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf: If you want to argue with me – let's argue. Is Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, the supreme role model for the Muslims?

Interviewer: What do you think?

Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf: Did Muhammad kill the Jews of Khaybar, or didn't he? You tell me. Why distort the facts? The Muslims must be honest with themselves and with the rest of the world. Muhammad – the supreme role model for the Muslims – killed the Jews of Khaybar, of Qureiza, and of Nadhir. He killed their children and captured their women. This is the supreme role model for the Muslims.

Interviewer: So your problem is with history, not with the present.

Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf: My problem is with that false prophet, Muhammad, and with the God of Islam...

In my view, if Islam were implemented properly, this would spell the destruction of the Arab and Muslim world – the whole world, in fact – because every Muslim would become a Bin Laden...

The Christians have been persecuted for the past 14 centuries – not by the Muslims, but by the God of Islam. The persecution begins in the Koran and in the behavior of the Prophet of Islam.

"The biggest terrorist is Allah of the Quran, the god of the Quran, the god of Islam."

"The real cause behind this position of my father, it's not his heart, it's the authority of the god of the Koran above him. He's simply doing the will of his god. And my problem... is with the god of Koran.

From their fruits we know them. And the fruits of the god of the Koran is killing, terrorism, beating women, killing children. This is the real fruit of the god of the Koran."

File under: uh oh, the cat's out of the bag again.

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