Via MichaelSmithNews, who also has some audio commentary on it. (Note, Gaynor was associated with Katter's Australia Party, not the Australia First Party).
Australian Defence Force disciplines Reserve Intelligence Officer for discussing Islam
More of Bernard Gaynor at:The Australian Defence Force (ADF) has charged an Army Reserve Intelligence Officer, Bernard Gaynor, for discussing links between Islam and terrorist activity.
The charges were laid today, despite an internal investigation by the ADF’s Investigative Service finding that there was no basis for disciplinary action.
Mr Gaynor says that the charges are proof that political correctness is hampering the ADF's ability to fight against Islamic violence.
"It is outrageous that the Australian Defence Force is charging me for discussing Islam," Mr Gaynor said.
"In the last week, ASIO has confirmed hundreds of Muslim Australians are joining violent Islamic groups in Syria and a radical Australian Islamic cleric has been linked to the Boston bombers."
"Yet the Australian Defence Force is sending a message that intelligence officers cannot discuss Islam in any way, shape or form, unless they pass judgment that it is a nice, peaceful religion."
"How the hell are you supposed to have an objective view of Islam if you are not allowed to examine links between Islamic beliefs and terrorist activity?"
"This kind of stupidity will lead to a misunderstanding of why threat groups targeting the Australian Army conduct violent activity and, at worst, could result in the death of Australian soldiers."
"It also explains the logical inconsistency between fighting a war against people who espouse violent Islamic beliefs while at the same time having an immigration policy that allows people with the same ideology to settle into Australia."
"It begs the question: what, exactly, have Aussie Diggers been shedding their blood in Afghanistan for over the past decade?" ...
See a sample of his views on Islam here.
A similar thing has happened in the American military, as Robert Spencer noted: Obama Administration Bans the Truth About Islam and Jihad.
File under: intelligent officer.
White Feminist Woman at Georgetown University working in the admissions department openly admitted that she REJECTED white men's applications simply because they were WHITE MEN.
ReplyDeleteBrief: A female advisor in the admissions department at Georgetown University has been caught openly admitting that she committed the CRIME of discrimination based on people's race and gender in the application process.
This has the potential to create a large scale lawsuit against Georgetown University, and with the momentum building at the rate it is building, seems very likely that will be the outcome.
Below are the main links to all of the information regarding this news story and case.